Friday, October 13, 2006

The Universe Hates You, Bitch

I snapped this picture with my cell phone this morning. The asshole in the red sweater is--I am not making this up--parked next to a gas pump and drying her freshly washed Saturn with handfuls of paper towels from the courtesy towel dispenser.

Punkass went through the car wash and then bogarted a gas pumping space while she dried every inch of her car with handful after handful of community paper towels.

I don't even know if she bought gas at all! She certainly didn't use the pump while I was there.

It's a very busy station, too--the only one in that crowded intersection. The pump next to her was the only one open when I pulled in, and because of her rudeness I had to drive past and turn around to get myself in position. I watched other drivers pull in searching for an open pump while I was filling my tank and goggling at this jerk's selfishness.

How does someone get that way, seriously?


At 9:27 PM, Blogger Sassy Pants said...

A little common courtesy goes a long way. It's times like those that I wish I could get away with ramming someone.

At 10:12 PM, Blogger Rees said...

Also, why is my blog all jacked up? Is Blogger having an episode again?

At 5:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

uhhh because people like you would rather snap pictures and call her names on a blog rather than confront her. thats why people get away with anything!!!! duhh

At 5:51 PM, Blogger CrankyProf said...

I would have considered it a sacrifice on Darwin's altar if you had beat her about the head and neck with the pump handle, and thel lit her ablaze.

At 6:45 PM, Blogger Rees said...

It's always amusing to be lectured on confrontation by someone who signs in as "anonymous."

At 9:23 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

I also see the irony of anonymous (hehe), but I would have confronted her. Of course, I am getting rather good at confronting people, which may not be an altogether good thing...I am working on "assertiveness" as opposed to "aggressiveness".

There is only a small chance of this, but perhaps she is so preoccupied with some horrible thing going on in her life that she simply can't see what is around her, including the needs of other people. Or perhaps she is a totally selfish person.

At 5:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My idea of confrontation when concerning such people is simply "Could you be a bigger douchebag?"

Given the level of her selfishness, she probably wouldn't understand what I meant. Hopefully, it causes stupid people mental distress.

Maybe they just dismiss it like everything when it involves others.

At 11:07 AM, Blogger Rob said...

Sadly, this sort of thing seems to be happening more and more frequently these days. Welcome to the "It's All About Me" era.

At 11:44 AM, Blogger Rees said...

This is going to sound like a pack of excuses, but here's what went through my mind as I stood there:

I should say something. I'll just say "Excuse me? Do you know you're blocking the pump?" But it's so noisy, and I have a cold and can barely croak, so she won't hear me. I'll have to walk over there, and even then it'll severely dampen the drama of my righteous indignation when I can't speak with any force and have to repeat myself. Maybe I'll go in and tattle to the station manager. Which would mean I'd have to walk in there and wait in line just to tell some flunkie who won't feel like s/he has the authority to do anything. And I'm already late because of having to stop for gas in the first place. And now I've let this bitch's problem become my problem. I'll just take her picture. No one will believe this if I don't.

I don't know what that says about me, if anything, but I just couldn't summon the motivation to get into a thing with her. I have limited energy reserves; I try to conserve.

At 1:22 PM, Blogger Lu said...

The explanation? Well, you know, when the world revolves around you, the regular rules do not apply.

This is a bummer--I'm going to have to alert all my physicist and astronomer friends to the fact that the center of our galaxy is no longer the sun, and it's not even a fixed point. That's going to play hell with their calculations.

At 1:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a me, me, me planet these days. Why should she stop towel-drying her hair and letting someone else use a gas pump when clearly it's all about her? grrr. people.

At 5:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

too bad you couldn't drop your ice cream cone on the hood...

At 12:14 AM, Blogger Scarlet said...

She deserves a drive by throwing of a McDonald's thick shake!!

At 3:53 AM, Blogger Brian said...

Lack of common sense aside, doesn't the moron know that those paper towels are probably scratching the paint all to hell?

Some people just shouldn't have been born.

At 6:38 AM, Blogger Rees said...

Oh my god, I did think of that! Those cheapshit industrial grade paper towels?

We can only hope...

At 3:45 PM, Blogger Maven said...

This is the "Me, Me, Me and More Me" Era...


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